Sunday, April 17, 2011


I hope you all have an endless appetite for photos of the Eiffel Tower. I took this one tonight through the peace monument, at the opposite end of the Champs de Mars. As you can see from the broken safety glass, peace doesn't stand much of a chance these days. I have become interested in the camera in my iPhone. I find that its limitations can be used to create photos that I just would not take with my much fancier Nikon.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Add I am in Paris, so of course I am thinking of the States. I took this photo about a year ago, when Robert and I were visiting our friends Mike and Pearl. I like the patterns and colors. It is difficult to think of this as a battlefield; it just defies the imagination.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

El Cerrito

Yes, it's true. I do occasionally pull out the camera at home. Right now I'm getting ready to take Tracy's boys to Cooperstown Baseball Camp. That means pictures, and plenty of them. What better way to practice than on the local Little League?